Online lectures for advanced training of experts in music education and arts...

Online lectures for advanced training of experts in music education and arts are lasting

April can be considered as the month of improving knowledge in music education as Zoom lectures “Music in the system of art education: relations and counteractions” are lasting from April 6 – 22.
Today, April 9, the second of the six lectures has taken place. The speaker is Severynova Maryna Yuriivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Dean of Historical-Theoretical, Compositor and Foreign Students Faculty, Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music.
Severynova Maryna Yuriivna is in the photo
The scope of research interests of the speaker is mainly archetypes in music culture, and her today’s speech is also devoted to it. The lecture’s topic is Semantic ways of implementing archetype values in modern Ukrainian composer creativity”. The researcher has specified how archetype values influence the music of Ukraine and what peculiarities are inherent in Ukrainian composers, the way of combining a voice part with melody in music pieces, and how the words of the music pieces affect music. The interesting fact is that Maryna Yuriivna has already referred to Ukrainian composers in her PhD thesis – how they they used traditional motives while writing pieces of music.
Very few of us dwell on such a component of music perception as semantics. At the same time, musicians took into account those sorts of aspects. In general, the concept of semantics in the context of music science can be interpreted as one of the elements of musical structure in the system of musical language or a synonym for “content”, “sense”, “image” of music. Musicological papers apply various context versions of word combinations used together with the concept “semantics”: semantics of creativity, composer semantics, piece semantics, and genre semantics. Since the Renaissance, musicologists have begun to reflect upon peculiarities of musical sound and its improvement. A philosopher and composer Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote the following in his “Music Dictionary” (1767): “Melody, harmony, topics, choice of instruments and voices composes “musical language”. Both in the Enlightenment epoch, in the XIX century and in our time, there have been published composers’ scientific papers devoted to musical sound. Thus, our lecturer Maryna Yuriivna also has made her contribution to the development of musical semantics.
In regard to the lecture’s topic, the author has strived to elucidate the musical essence of Ukrainian composers, the way they used traditional Ukrainian motives in their pieces.
The lecturer has brought up to speed on an animated cartoon short “Sharfik” directed by Karyna Hazizova (music by Ukrainian composer Ihor Stetsiuk). Maryna Yuriivna has referred to the cartoon to illustrate that music plays an essential part in our perception.
We look forward to meeting you at our new lectures!