Organisation of celebration of the 5th anniversary of “Visegrad Journal on Human...

Organisation of celebration of the 5th anniversary of “Visegrad Journal on Human Rights”


On April 13, 2019, Prof. Dmytro Bielov, Director of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, had a working visit in the Slovak Republic (Snina). The visit was aimed at discussing organizational issues concerning the implementation of the international scientific and practical conference “Development of legal science: choice mechanisms and priorities implementation” and scholarship competition of research papers on security, implementation and protection of human rights. Pan-European University, the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, non-governmental organisation “Lex Pro Omnes” and Uzhhorod National University are co-organisers of the events.

Scientific events are devoted to the celebration of the 5th anniversary of successful functioning of the first international legal journal on law issues within the Visegrád Group “Visegrad Journal on Human Rights”. The first issue was published on October 1, 2014, and presented to the view of outstanding scholars of the Central and East Europe. Focus area of “Visegrad Journal on Human Rights” is human rights – complicated, multidimensional phenomenon and constantly topical issue of international nature.

Scientific publication is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (the Republic of Poland) and registered in the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

Celebration of the 5th anniversary of the journal will take place on June 7, 2019, in Snina manor-house of Terézia van Dernáthová of 1781 (the Slovak Republic) where invited legal scholars from Ukraine, Poland, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary, who deal with studying of human rights, will be present.
