Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University were organizers of...

Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University were organizers of a number of international conferences in various areas


Lublin Scientific and Technological Park together with Maria Curie-Skłodowska University with the support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation held a number of scientific and practical conferences in four areas, on October 20-21, 2017:

  • International scientific and practical conference for scholars, who are actively engaged in scientific research in the area of philological sciences on the topic “Modern philology: topical issues and prospects of research”;
  • International scientific and practical conference for scientists, who are actively engaged in scientific research in the area of psychological and pedagogical sciences on “Modern methods, innovations and experience of practical application in the field of psychology and pedagogy”;
  • International scientific and practical conference for scientists, who are actively engaged in scientific research in the area of social sciences on the topic “Modern methods, innovations and experience of practical application in the field of social sciences”;
  • International scientific and practical conference for scientists, who are actively involved in scientific research in the area of legal sciences on the topic “Actual issues of law at the present stage of statehood development”.

For participation in the each international conference scientists, post-graduate students, students of HEI and research institutes, practical workers, who are engaged in research in one of the presented scientific areas, were invited. There were 175 scholars of philological sciences, 78 participants of social sciences, 209 talented researchers of psychological and pedagogical sciences, and 147 scholars of legal sciences.

All Ukrainian participants of the conference were provided with the collection of abstracts and the certificate of participation, authenticated with the seal. The collection of abstracts was awarded with ISBN (International Standardized Book Number) by European publishing house. The received certificate confirms the participation in activity of the scientific conference (congress, symposium, workshop), conducted in the country, which is part of the European Union in accordance with p. 5.2, 7.3, section 2 “On Order of the Procedure for Awarding of Scientific Degrees to Scientific and Academic Staff”: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 14, 2016, No. 13.
