Scientific and pedagogical internship “Medical education of the future: perspective and priority...

Scientific and pedagogical internship “Medical education of the future: perspective and priority areas of scientific research” (Lublin, the Republic of Poland)


From November 27 to December 1, 2017, scientific and pedagogical internship “Medical education of the future: perspective and priority areas of scientific researches” was performed by Lublin Scienсe and Technology Park and Medical University of Lublin. The event held with support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Cooperation.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions, scientific staff of scientific institutions, applicants, doctoral candidates, postgraduates, and students, who have or obtain medical education, were invited to participate in the internship. The total number of participants amounts 68 scientists.

The training load of the internship consisted of three credits (108 hours) and was distributed as follows:

  • familiarization with LSTP and Medical university of Lublin activities through the official information portals ˗ 12 hours;
  • preparation of the abstracts of the scientific and methodical report on the chosen issue (on the field of the applicant’s work in the educational or scientific institution of Ukraine) ˗ 36 hours;
  • individual work ˗ 60 hours.

Accordingly to the conference training load, the participants prepared the abstracts of scientific and methodological reports, which represent the results of a fruitful work of scientists in the sphere of medical sciences. Due to conducted internship, the scientists got the opportunity to contribute to the development of medical education.

The participants, during the preparation of the reports, studied very topical issues and formulated new ideas. For example, Barannik K. S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, studied individual and psychological and deontological aspects of the formation of professional competence among future doctors of surgical specialties; Raksha-Sliusareva O.A, Doctor of Medical Sciences,  together with Boieva S. S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Sliusarev O. A. , Candidate of Medical Sciences presented scientific experimental research as an example of a complex approach to studying of the problem in the system of medical specialists training; Zlatkina V.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Kolesnikova O.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, and Nemtsova V.D., Candidate of Medical Sciences, investigated the issue of improvement of methodology of clinical pharmacology teaching to students, who study in English, etc.

All participants of the internship received the collection of abstracts of scientific and methodological reports and the certificate of participation in scientific and pedagogical internship. The organizers of scientific and methodological internship “Medical education of the future: perspective and priority areas of scientific researches” express gratitude to those, who showed the interest to join the scientific event.
