Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University performed a number...

Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University performed a number of scientific and pedagogical internship in various areas


A foreign experience is very important for scientists of any area. Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, yet again, provided the opportunity for researchers of different areas to take part in the international events, which facilitate the process of sharing of knowledge and technologies and also promote an innovative culture, unite a scientific community, establish cooperation between scientific departments, universities, and research institutes as Poland as other European countries.

Lublin Science and Technology Park was founded in 2015 to facilitate sharing of knowledge and technologies between business people and scientists. Under the framework of the undertaken activities, LSTP promotes innovative culture, unites a scientific community, and establishes cooperation between scientific departments, universities and research institutes of Poland as well as other European countries.

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University is one of the largest, most famous and most prestigious Polish state universities; it was founded on October 23, 1944. At present, more than 20 thousand students study at the university, at three educational levels: graduate, undergraduate, postgraduate. Each year, the university is ranked among the ten, most prestigious educational institutions in Poland. HEI has 11 faculties, which include 39 directions and more than 120 specialities.

From November 27 to December 1, 2017, scientific and pedagogical internship in four areas were conducted by Lublin Science and Technology Park and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University with support of Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation:

  • for participants, who have or obtain philological education, the internship was held on the topic “Philological education of the future: perspective and priority directions of scientific research”;
  • for participants, who have or obtain education in the field of political science, sociology, history, and philosophy, the internship was organized on the topic “Education in the field of political science, sociology, history and philosophy: perspective and priority directions of scientific research”;
  • for participants, who have or obtain pedagogical and psychological education, there was the internship “Education in the field of pedagogy and psychology: perspective and priority directions of scientific research”;
  • for participants, who have or obtain legal education, the internship held on “Legal education of the future: perspective and priority areas of scientific research”.

In accordance with academic load of pointed events, participants were acquainted with the activities of LSTP and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University through the official information portals as well as prepared abstracts of scientific and methodological report on chosen subject matter.

The collection of abstracts of scientific and pedagogical internship was awarded with ISBN by the European publishing house. The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation has taken care that all participants of the internship receive the collections of abstracts of scientific and methodological reports, and certificates of participation in the scientific and pedagogical internship.
