Collective monographs edited by Vincent Pole University (Poland)

Collective monographs edited by Vincent Pole University (Poland)


Vincent Pole University (WSSP – Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincenta Pola w Lublinie) is a higher education institution which is situated in Lublin.

Vincent Pole University is one of few in Poland where classes are performed in English.

The openness of the university to international scientific cooperation allowed Ukrainian scientists to participate in the writing of collective monographs on natural sciences (Development of natural sciences in the countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of the XXI century) and philological sciences (Development of philological sciences in the countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of the XXI century).

The work on collective monographs was lasting during 2 months, as the result it created a product of truly high quality (both in terms of content and printing art).

The collective monograph “Development of natural sciences in the countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of the XXI century” covers the actual problems and issues of the theory and practice of natural sciences, presents the results of the research on reforming the system of professional training of specialists in the field of natural sciences; the theoretical and applied aspects of the development of education concerning natural science in Ukraine and in the countries of the European Union are covered.

The main purpose of the collective monograph “Development of philological sciences in the countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of the XXI century” is to reveal the main tendencies of the development of modern practical and theoretical philology.

The Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation, which since 2010 has been establishing and building scientific contacts between the countries of Europe, was a mediator between Ukraine and Poland.
