Ukrainian panel of the 7th International Asian Congress was successfully held on...

Ukrainian panel of the 7th International Asian Congress was successfully held on October 22, 2020


Ukrainian panel of the 7th International Asian Congress, which annually takes place in Toruń, was successfully held on October 22, 2020. For the first time, the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation was a co-organizer of such a global event. The Congress had been scheduled for May 20202 in person, however, the epidemiological situation around the world, unfortunately, shattered the prospects. Nevertheless, the Congress came around despite some alterations.

Ukrainian panel took place online via Zoom. Members of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation as well as long-standing partners were invited to participate in the event. More than 100 participants joined the panel.

Oleh Holovko, Founder of the Publishing House “Helvetica”, Head of the Supervisory Council of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, and our reliable partner dr Adam Marszałek, President of Marszałek Publishing Group, started the activity with opening remarks.

7 speakers performed under the framework of the main topic of Ukrainian panel “Education and Science in China’s Global Competitive Leadership”.

Nataliia Cherkas, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Economic Development, Researcher of the Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, in co-authorship with Larysa Antoniuk, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Vice Rector for Research Work, Director of the Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, render a report “Development of academic entrepreneurship in China”.

Viktoriia von Rosen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Postdoc at the Department of International Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Consultant, International Academic&Business Projects, talked about “Venture business in the ecosystem of China’s universities”.

Olena Tsyrkun, Director of the Institute of English – Taught Programmes, Researcher at the Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, covered “Innovative strategies of research universities in the US and China”.

Disappointingly, Olga Drobotiuk couldn’t join the event, but her report “China’s world-class university strategy” was delivered by Olena Tsyrkun.

Denis Ilnytskyy, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of International Economics, Researcher at the Institute of Higher Education, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, talked about “Network development of global economy and infrastructural expansion of China”.

Tetiana Kolomoiets, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Zaporizhzhia National University, in co-authorship with Volodymyr Volkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, Director of the Confucius School from the Ukrainian side, Zaporizhzhia, Alina Osaul, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations, Zaporizhzhia National University, Anton Barlit, 2nd year PhD student, speciality 081 “Law”, Zaporizhzhia National University, gave a paper “Confucian traditions in scientific and educational activity of higher educational institutions in Ukraine”.

Mykhailo Mykhailov, Head of the Educational Scientific Centre of International Cooperation of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, in co-authorship with Yevhen Trushliakov, Ph.D., Professor, Rector of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding covered “Experience of cooperation in the field of education and science of the specialized technical university of Ukraine in shipbuilding with China”.

Serhii Kuznichenko, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Vice Rector of National Academy of Internal Affairs, accomplished the event with a report “Problems of the development of departmental education and science in Ukraine and China: comparative analysis”.

We express special gratitude to Nataliia Cherkas for effective moderating of the event as due to her professionalism and personality traits, it was at the top level.

We thank sincerely all participants, who took part in Ukrainian panel of the 7th International Asian Congress. We believe in a productive mutual development of education in Ukraine and around the globe.

It is pleasant to read your comments which we would like to share:

Bakhrom Babaev : Thank you, Victoria! A very interesting report. Great speech!
H. Zulkieflimansyah : This is a good speech! Thank you!
Retno Marsudi : Great presentation! Thanks!
Oksana Bohdanova : Thanks!
Siti Nugraha : It’s good! Thanks!
Choe Il : I like it! Very well! Thank you!
Яна Приступа : Olena,thanks you!
Olena Tsyrkun : Thank you very much for your presentation!
viktoriia von rosen : Thank you very much!
Оксана : Надзвичайно цікаво і потрібно!
Олена Семеног : Thank you very much!
Olha Vasylenko : Дуже цікаві напрями діяльності Школи Конфуція! Дякую за presentation!!!!
Людмила Корнута : Як завжди цікаво!! дякую!
лизень євген : Дуже цікаво!Дякую доповідачам.
Анастасія Корчагіна (аспірант) : Thank you.
Darya : Дякую !!
Оксана : Дякую!!!
Дмитрий Морозенко : Дякую за цікавий вебінар!
Olexandr Horbach : Дуже дякую за запрошення. було дуже цікаво.
Наталья Грона : Thanks a lot
Олена Семеног : Дякую за цікавий вебінар!
Vira Kachur : Дякую
Olena Dolzhykova : Дякую. Дуже цікаво.
Олена Соцька : Дякую за можливість участі!
Яна Приступа : Дякую за можливість участі!
Юлія Лукаш : Thank you. Good bye
Юлия Асеева : Дякую, до побачення, було дуже цікаво.
Виктория Храмцова : Дякую за цікаву інформацію та організацію.
Marina Tsinovaya : Thank you. Good bye
Татьяна Гончаренко : Дякую за співпрацю

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