A foreign collective monograph “The institutionalisation of public relations in the fight...

A foreign collective monograph “The institutionalisation of public relations in the fight against corruption: the experience of countries of Eastern and Western legal traditions (universal theoretical framework for relevant anti-corruption law of Ukraine)” was published


In the context of scientific legal cooperation of Zaporizhzhya National University, Academic and Research Laboratory of Service Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences, European Center for Rule of Law, Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation and TalTech Law School (Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia), a collective monograph “The institutionalisation of public relations in the fight against corruption: the experience of countries of Eastern and Western legal traditions (universal theoretical framework for relevant anti-corruption law of Ukraine)” was published.

The preparation of the collective monograph was a follow-up of the project implementation of Zaporizhzhya National University under the grant PJ4\17 0117U007203 “CORRUPTION PREVENTION ACT OF UKRAINE: scientific and methodological justification of ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of provisions implementation”. The first stage of the project under the grant was the publication of Scientific Practical Commentary for the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”.

Candidates and Doctors of Sciences were invited to participate in the writing of the collective monograph.

The working upon the collective monograph took 2 months. The collective monograph was produced by the publisher which cooperates with TalTech Law School (Riga, the Republic of Latvia) that enables authors to contribute to the collective paper published in the EU country.

The monograph presentation was conducted under the frame of III International Legal Forum in Khrakiv on September 26, 2019.

Monograph Editorial Board

Vlad Vernyhora, L.L.M., BA (Hons), MA, Lecturer at TalTech Law Scool (Faculty of Business and Management);
Tetiana Kolomoets, Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Dean of Law Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National of Ukraine;
Dmytro Luchenko, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Head of European Center for Rule of Law;
Mykhailo Vikhliaiev, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Member of the Executive Board of the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation.

The following scholars took part in the writing of the collective monograph:

Akimov M. O., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Departmentof Criminal Law, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Aleksieieva O. M., PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Comparative Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University;

Barabash O. O., Doctor of Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Information Law of the Institute of Law and Psychology,  Lviv Polytechnic National University;

Baranov S. O., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Process, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs;

Bashtannyk V. V., Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Professor at the Department of Law and European Integration, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine;

Bielikova M. I., PhD in Law, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Boiko I. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Borshchevska O. M., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil and Labor Law, Odessa National Maritime University;

Butnik-Siverskyi O. B., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Associate of Department of Economic-Legal Department of Research Institution of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of Ukrainian Academy of Technological Sciences, Head of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Finances of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, National University of Food Technologies;

Cherevko M. O., PhD Student at the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Chumak V. V., PhD in Law, Senior Researcher,  Leading Research Associate at the Department of Research Organisation, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;

Chyzhov D. A., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Legal Support of the Military Institute, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of general Legal Disciplines of the Institute of Management and Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Demidova I. A., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines, Doctoral Student at Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;

Denisova A. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Process,  Odesa State University of Internal Affairs;

Dudorov O. O., Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Scientist and Engineer, Head of Research Laboratory on Crime Prevention, Termination and Investigation by Territorial Bodies of the National Police of Ukraine of Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O.Didorenko;

Fedchyshyn S. A., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Hloviuk I. V., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure, National University “Odesa Law Academy”;

Holovii L. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;

Huban R. V., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Leading Research Associate of the Department of Research Management, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University;

Huivan P. D., PhD in Law, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine , Professor at Poltava Business Institute of Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University;

Hulak O. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;

Ivantsov V. O., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student at the Department of Educational Training and Research (Postgraduate Studies and Postgraduate Military Course), Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;

Kamenskyi D. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Jurisprudence, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University;

Khaliuk S. O., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of constitutional Law and Human Rights, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Khan O. O., PhD in Law, Senior Research Associate at the Department of Research Organisation, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;

Konieva S. O., PhD in Law, Judge of Dnipropetrovsk District Administrative Court of Ukraine;

Kostiuk T. O., PhD in Politics, Associate Professor, Senior Research Associate of Higher Education Internationalization Research Laboratory, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University;

Kovalchuk A. Yu., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Private and Public Law of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Public Law, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design;

Kovalenko L. P., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Krainyk H. S., PhD in Law, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law No 1, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Kuchma O. L., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Labour Law and Social Welfare Law,  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;

Leheza Yu. O., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Civil, Business and Environmental Law, National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic;

Luchenko D. V., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Matiukhina N. P., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Mitina O. M., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs;

Mykhailenko D. H., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Judge of Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court;

Myroniuk R. V., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs;

Myroniuk S.A., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Training, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs;

Novak A. M., PhD in Economics, Deputy Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine;

Pastukh I. D., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Management, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Petrenko V. O., Doctor of Engineering, Academician of Engineering Academy of Ukraine, Honoured Scientist and Engineer, Professor at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine;

Piddubna D. S., PhD in Law, Head of the Department Civil-Legal Disciplines, Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

Podorozhna T. S., Doctor of Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University;

Politova A. S., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Disciplines and forensic Investigation of the Faculty No 1, Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

Popova L. M., Doctor of Law, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Departmentof Finances and Credit, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Popova S. M, Doctor of Law, PhD in Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Police Studies, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;

Protsiuk T. B., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Advanced Training for Civil Servants and International Cooperation, State Institution of Postgraduate Education “Academy for Financial Monitoring”;

Puhach V. H., PhD in Politics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Studies, Sociology and Social Work, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management;

Rohova O. H., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Departmentof Law and European Integration, Kharkiv Regional Institute of National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine;

Rozhnova V. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Leading Research Associate of the Institute of Leading Personnel Training and Advanced Training, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Rubashchenko M. A., PhD in Law, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law No 1, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Rudoi K. M., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Process, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs;

Sandiuk H. O., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Maritime Law and Business Law of the Faculty of Maritime Law, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding;

Savytskyi D. O., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Leading Personnel Training and Advanced Training, National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Sheremetieva O. Yu., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International and European Law, State Higher Educational Institution Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;

Shevchuk O. M., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Sikorskyi O. P., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative and Constitutional Law of the Faculty of Maritime Law, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding;

Sinova L. M., PhD in Law, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Labour Law and Social Welfare, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;

Skrynkovskyi R. M., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Company Economics and Information Technologies, Lviv University of Business and Law;

Soloviova O. M., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Stepanenko A. S., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure, National University “Odesa Law Academy”;

Stepanenko O. V., PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law, National University “Odesa Law Academy”;

Stoianov M. M., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure, National University “Odesa Law Academy”;

Syniavska O. Yu., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor at the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Police Studies, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs;

Volik V. V., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Law and Public Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Mariupol State University, Practicing Lawyer, Director of Ltd “Corporate Group “Legal Foundation” (Kyiv, Ukraine), Head of the First International European Information-Counselling Scientific Centre (Barcelona, Spain);  

Zelinska Ya. S., PhD in Law, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University;

Zui V. V., PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.


We express our gratitude to all those who joined the implementation of this scientific idea!
