A foreign joint monograph on social sciences was published

A foreign joint monograph on social sciences was published


Maria Curie-Skłodowska University is one of the largest, most famous and most prestigious Polish state universities; it was founded on October 23, 1944. At present, more than 20 thousand students study at the university, on three educational levels: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate. Each year, the university is ranked among the ten, most prestigious educational institutions in Poland. HEI has 11 faculties, which include 39 directions and more than 120 specialities.

By consolidated efforts of Center for Ukrainian and European Cooperation and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, a joint monograph was prepared and published by a team of authors, connected by a shared idea to present the results of their investigations. The joint monograph on issue “Development and modernization of social sciences: Poland’s experience and prospects of Ukraine” was the result of activity of researchers, lecturers, and postgraduates. The fact, that it was published by the European publishing house “Izdevnieciba” Baltija Publishing “(Riga, Latvia), with the awarding of UDC and the ISBN number to it, allowed the authors to take part in the joint scientific work, published in the European Union country.

14 talented scholars took part in the writing of the joint work. Each author of the joint monograph received a certificate of participation and copies of the publication. The content of the publication includes the following materials in Ukrainian, Russian and English:

  • Baliun O. O., Kashpur A. O. «The reputation management practice: magnetic dynamic modeling of communication interactions»;
  • Beilin М. В. «Epistemological grounds of nanotechnologies»;
  • Bielai S. V., Yevtushenko I. V. «Improving the international security organizations activities in the field of resolution of an armed conflict within the state»;
  • Бурый А. Р. «Христианско-эсхатологические мотивы в западноевропейском киноискусстве»;
  • Весельська Л. А. «Ретроспективний аналіз державного управління міграційними процесами на Україні: кінець ХІХ–ХХ століття»;
  • Калашнікова Л. В. «Безпека життєдіяльності: актуальність становлення та розвитку нової галузі соціологічного знання»;
  • Kryvda N. Yu. «The role of memory in the process of constructing Ukrainian identity»;
  • Mychajliczenko M. V. «Metamorfozy jakości szkolnictwa wyższego w obliczu zmian międzycywilizacyjnych»;
  • Nadubska O. Ya. Methodological tools in analysis of social priorities»;
  • Поляруш Б. Ю. «Можливості та майбутнє діалогу в сучасному суспільстві»;
  • Rubanov V. V. «The institutionalization of political analysis in Ukraine: problems and specific features»;
  • Фурдичко А. О. «Система збереження та дослідження етномузичного фольклору в сучасній Україні»;
  • Harechko I. Z. «Post-colonial transformation of Ukrainian national identity»;
  • Шедяков В. Е. «Осуществление парадигмальных трансформаций: сорезонирование стратегии, тактики и оперативного искусства в управленческих композиціях».