International scientific and practical conference on medical sciences took place in Medical...

International scientific and practical conference on medical sciences took place in Medical University of Lublin


On May 10 – 11, 2019, the international scientific and practical conference “Medicine in the modern conditions of integration development of European countries” took place in Medical University of Lublin (Lublin, the Republic of Poland). The organizer of the event is Medical University of Lublin (Department of Medical Informatics and Statistics and E-Learning Laboratory) with the support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation.

Scientists, postgraduate students, students of HEI and research establishments as well as practitioners who are actively involved in research activities on medical sciences were invited to participate in the international conference.

The following sections operated within the conference framework:  

  1. Clinical medicine: experience and innovations
  2. Theoretical medicine: principal development trends
  3. Pharmaceutical sciences
  4. Medical-biological sciences: innovations of the future
  5. Preventive medicine: modern state and prospects
  6. Veterinary medicine

The following scientists participated in the discussion of topical issues of medicine in the modern conditions of integration development of Europe: Kuznetsova M.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Family Medicine, State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”; Prykuda N. M., Candidate of Medical Sciences Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University; Zadorozhnyi A. M., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Departmet of Infectious Diseases, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University; Pustova N. O., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Departmet of Dermatology, Venereology and AIDS,  Kharkiv National Medical University;Kononova O. V., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Public Health, O.M. MarzeIev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine; Balitska O. P., Candidate of Pharaceutical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Departmet of Pharmacy, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya; Balynska M. V., Candidate of Pharaceutical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Departmet of Pharmacy, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya; Chornopyshchuk N. P., Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics No 1, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya; Frunza A. V., Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine, Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”; Klimas A. S., Operating Surgeon, O.O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology; Kryvchuk O. A., Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”; Pohorila A. V., Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Dental Therapy, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya; Kaidashev I. P., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine No 3with Phthisiology, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy; Avramenko Ya. M., Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Internal Medicine No 3 with Phthisiology, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy; Hliebova Ye. Ye., Postgraduate Student at the Department of Healthcare Management, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education; Mazur O. H., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Pediatrics No1, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya; Habysheva L. S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Departmet of Microbilogy, Virology and Immunology, Kharkiv National Medical University; Volosivska Yu. M., Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine, Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”; Hodovanen Yu. D., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine, Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”; Bilyi Ye. Ye., Postgraduate Student at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No 2,  Kharkiv National Medical University, and others.  

All Ukrainian participants were provided with the collection of abstracts and certificate of participation authenticated with the seal.

We congratulate all the organizers and participants of the conference. May success attend you in further academic activity!
