Czech Technical University in Prague organized a scientific and pedagogical internship

Czech Technical University in Prague organized a scientific and pedagogical internship


Modern information society demands the flexibility and capability to adjust to flourishing world, to be up to speed on different information flows. The above can be achieved through constant professional development whose one of the forms is an internship.

On May 27 – June 7, 2019, the scientific and pedagogical internship “Special aspects of training of highly-qualified world-class experts in the technical area” took place in Czech Technical University in Prague (Prague, the Czech Republic) with the support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation.


Academic staff of higher education institutions of, research officers of scientific institutions, postgraduate students, doctoral students and students, who have or get engineering education, joined the internship. The participants of the internship are as follows:  

Hrieshnov Andrii Yuriiovych, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Maritime Tool Engineering, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Infrastructure, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding;

Kapustian Oleksii Yevhenovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Equipment and Technologies of Welding Production,  Zaporizhzhya Technical University;

Kniaziev Volodymyr Volodymyrovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist of the Research and Engineering Institute “Molniia”, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”;

Kremer Iryna Petrivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electronics, Lviv Polytechnic National University;

Laptieva Hanna Mykolaivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Equipment and Technologies of Welding Production, Zaporizhzhya Technical University;

Liubych Vitalii Volodymyrovych, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technologies of Grain Storage and Processing, Uman National University of Horticulture;

Mitsenko Serhii Anatoliiovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Robotics and Specialized Computer Systems,  Cherkasy State Technological University;

Mukhina Maryna Petrivna, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes, National Aviation University;

Nosenko Tamara Tykhonivna, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fats Technologies, Chemical Technologies of Nutritional Supplements and Cosmetic Products, National University of Food Technologies;

Orel Oleksandr Volodymyrovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Construction and Road-Building Equipment, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University;

Orieshkov Vasyl Ivanovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of  Telecommunication Systems, O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications;

Pyrohov Volodymyr Vasylovych, Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Lecturer at the Department of Machine Elements and Applied Mechanics, Central Ukrainian National Technical University;

Rieznikov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Construction and Road-Building Equipment, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University;

 Shchukin Oleksandr Viktorovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Construction and Road-Building Equipment, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University;

 Sheikus Anton Romanovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies and Automation, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology;

Shevchuk Dmytro Olehovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Professor at the Department of Automation and Energy Management, National Aviation University;

Shulha Svitlana Anatoliivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sugar Technology and Water Preparation, National University of Food Technologies;

Shumakov Ihor Valentynovych, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technologies of Construction Process,  Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Spodar Kateryna Viktorivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Merchandizing, Quality and Environmental Safety Management, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade;

Yahup Kateryna Valeriivna, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv;

Zdorenko Yurii Mykolaiovych, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Information Technologies, Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies named after Heroiv Krut.

All participants of the internship are provided with the collection of abstracts and certificate on the completion of a scientific and pedagogical internship (in two languages) in EU scientific institution.
