Directions for the use of agriculture R&D during student training

Directions for the use of agriculture R&D during student training

The 21st century is characterized by rapid changes that have affected not only individual areas of human life but also all aspects of society, including education. The modern teacher must be open to the new experience, able to change, use innovative teaching methods along with the traditional ones, as well as cultivate the creative personality of each student.
In the process of teaching agricultural science, there have been introduced the reforms revealed in the second lecture in the framework of advanced training on “Directions for the use of agriculture R&D during student training”. The speaker of this event was Kokovikhin Serhii Vasylovych, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine. He is the author of such interesting works as “Methods of field research (irrigated agriculture)” (2014), “Scientific substantiation and practical implementation of irrigation regimes of agricultural crops taking into account natural and economic factors” (2015), “Innovative technologies of corn cultivation on irrigated lands of the south of Ukraine” (2017), etc.
In his lecture, Serhii Vasylovych spoke about the main current scientific directions in the agricultural sector and the prospects for their development. He included to the list the following elements:
formation of intensive irrigation systems, which are based on the use of innovative technologies for growing crops with the optimization of different irrigation methods and regimes, fertilization systems, tillage, and plant protection;
establishing patterns of formation of the dynamics of moisture and nutrient regimes of soil in crop rotations depending on the methods and depth of tillage, irrigation regime and fertilizer systems;
introduction of new scientific approaches to increase the productivity of agrophytocenoses on the basis of terrestrial and remote agromonitoring, GIS technologies, biologization and greening, resource rationing and environmental protection, etc.
We are waiting for you at the next event!