Effective implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of...

Effective implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine and integration into the European educational space – the CUESC mission


The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation participated in the activities of a round table “Dual citizenship: current status, challenges, the reaction of the state and society”, which was initiated by the National Institute for Strategic Studies.   People’s deputies of Ukraine, senior officials of Transcarpathia region, diplomats, scientists, and experts joined the event as well.

The objective of the round table was to analyse the diversified aspects of dual citizenship, their risks and challenges in the context of the implementation of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement, fact-based differences and features in the models of sovereign development of EU Member States. The latest estimates and recommendations of scientific-and-expert community, consideration of the actual state of this process in the regions can add a positive light to the intentionality and effectiveness of new acts in the legislative and statutory regulation of this problem.

The participants pointed out the importance of the discussion of the issue of dual citizenship, especially in cross-border regions. Thus, in the context of draft law No 2590 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Citizenship” proposed by the President of Ukraine, the experts focused on the regional element of multiple citizenship. According to the results of the round table, recommendations for preparation and further implementation of the draft law submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine were formulated.

Within the scope of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, it was decided to direct the experts from Ukraine to the EU research establishments in March 2020 to study their experience in the multiple nationality matters as well as to carry out an internship of the mentioned experts on the government institutions and agencies.
