Latvian state scholarship 2019/2020: excellent opportunity for Ukrainian students and scholars

Latvian state scholarship 2019/2020: excellent opportunity for Ukrainian students and scholars


In the context of cooperation with the University of Latvia, the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation invites students and scholars from Ukraine to join educational, research processes and participation in the activities of summer schools of high education institution of Latvia. It is necessary to submit an application for Latvian state scholarship 2019/2020 for the purpose. In accordance with the bilateral agreements on cooperation in education and science concluded between Latvian government and a few countries, including Ukraine, the Republic of Latvia offers scholarships to foreign students, researchers and lecturers for 2019/2020 academic year. The Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia has delegated the administration of the Latvian state scholarships to the State Education Development Agency (Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra – VIAA).

Applications for bachelor’s and the first level of professional higher education studies will be accepted from students, who have successfully completed at least one academic year of studies (at their domestic higher education institution or at a Latvian higher education institution, if they already have been studying in Latvia). Scholarships for bachelor’s and master’s studies are granted for one academic year – a time period up to 10 months (for PhD-students – up to 11 months). If a student wants to continue her/his studies in Latvia for one more year, she/he has to re-apply for the Latvian scholarship. The Latvian scholarship can be awarded not more than for two consecutive terms to one individual. The amount of the Latvian state scholarship for studies is: for bachelor’s and master’s students – 500 EUR per month; for PhD students – 670 EUR per month.

Only academic and scientific staffs of foreign higher education and research institutions are eligible candidates for the Latvian state fellowship for research. The fellowship is granted for a time period of up to 5 months. The amount of the Latvian fellowship is 30 EUR per day and 300 EUR for accommodation per month.

Only students, academic and research staff of foreign higher education institutions are eligible for the Latvian scholarship for participation in summer schools. The amount of the Latvian scholarship granted by the VIAA for summer school is 711 EUR per person for the duration of the summer school.

You can find more detailed information on terms and conditions for the scholarship for studies, summer school and fellowship for research, deadlines and required documents at the link.
