The international scientific and practical conference held on the basis of the...

The international scientific and practical conference held on the basis of the Found “Institute of Public Administration Affairs” (Lublin)


The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation together with the Institute of Public Administration Affairs (ISAP), located in the city of Lublin, Poland, organized and conducted the international scientific and practical conference on “Innovative scientific researches on the legal regulation of public administration”. The event took place on June 16-17, 2017.

The Foundation’s main goals are to conduct research and developments, aimed at their implementation and application in practice, organization and realization of scientific conferences and round tables, as well as initiation, promotion and implementation of initiatives, related to the public administration issues. More information about ISAP is available on its official website:

Chairman of the organizing committee of the conference was YANUSH NYCHYPORUK, Doctor of Law, Professor of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Chairman of the Board of Foundation “Institute for Public Administration Affairs” in Lublin. Editor-in-chief of the abstracts collection was MARIUSH FILIPEK, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, legal counsel of “Philippe & Kaminsky” Law Firm.

To participate in the international scientific and practical conference, the organizers invited scientists, postgraduates, HEI students and research institutions, as well as practitioners, who are actively involved in scholar research in the field of public regulation administration. Within the framework of the conference, the following sections were held: 1. History of public law; 2. Constitutional law and process; 3. The human rights law; 4. International law; 5. The law of the European Union; 6. Environmental law; 7. Agricultural law; 8. Administrative law and process; 9. Administrative and economic law; 10. Labour law; 11. Financial law; 12. Information Law; 13.Municipal law; 14.Criminal and legal protection of public administration.

All participants from Ukraine received the collection of abstracts of the conference and the certificate of participation, authenticated by seal.  Participants of the conference were able to present the collection of materials and the certificate as a confirmation of participation in the international conference, held in the country, which is part of the European Union.
