The results of conference on juridical sciences held in November in Pan-European...

The results of conference on juridical sciences held in November in Pan-European University


The Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation continues cooperation with Pan-European University. Analyzed all pros and cons of last year’s conference the organizers swung into action on the next event. Jan Svak, Rector, Prof., JUDr was Head of Conference Organising Committee.

After a thoroughly preparation, on November 27-28, 2015, International scientific and practical conference “Legal science and practice: challenges of contemporary European integration processes” was held at the premises of Law Faculty of Pan-European University. More than 500 Ukrainian scholars were interested in this subject and presented their thoughts in the form of abstracts.

At present, the issues of European integration, including the issue of legal science in this process, are very urgent and relevant for Ukraine. Ukraine as an integral part of Europe is guided by the model of socio-economic development in the leading European countries. For Ukraine, European integration is a way to modernize the economy, overcome technological backwardness, attract foreign investment and new technologies, create additional workplaces, improve the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers, enter into the world markets, first of all, into the EU market.

It was decided to keep conference’s sections without changes. The organizers of conference consider it is necessary to examine and study such a topical issue (especially for Ukraine) as a subject of European integration from all angles. Consequently, the following sections were presented and through the prism of which participants were offered to consider the topic:

  • theory and history of state and law, philosophy of law;
  • constitutional law;
  • municipal law;
  • labour law, social welfare law;
  • civil and commercial law;
  • administrative, financial, tax law;
  • land, agrarian, ecological, natural resources law;
  • criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure, criminalistics;
  • international law;
  • European Union law;
  • practice of European Court of Human Rights.

Under completion of the conference, all participants were provided with a collection of abstracts and a certificate, which Ukrainian scholars could present as the confirmation of participation in the international conference that took place in a country that is part of the European Union.
