We congratulate an appointed head of Lviv branch office!

We congratulate an appointed head of Lviv branch office!


Since summer 2020, Holovko Oleh Pavlovych, PhD in Economics, Head of the Supervisory Council of the CUESC, Founder of Helvetica Publishing Group, has opened up negotiations with Lviv University of Trade and Economics represented by Barna Marta Yuriivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, First Vice Rector, and Semak Bohdan Bohdanovych, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department of Marketing, Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs.
Joint working on three journals has become an outcome of these lengthy negotiations:
? “Entrepreneurship and Trade”;
?Herald LUTE. Technical sciences;
?Herald LUTE. Law sciences.
Two of them are professional publications which belong to the category “B”, and third one is being developed.
Marta Yuriivna has taken an active part in enhancing our cooperation and approved herself as a reliable partner; thus, she has been appointed as head of Lviv branch office of the CUESC.
Marta Yuriivna, we express our sincere congratulations and wish you to stay strong in the pursuit of your goals! We wish you good health, patience, persistence and positive energy!