Online lectures commenced under the All-Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical advanced training in economics

Online lectures commenced under the All-Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical advanced training in economics

On December 23, a ZOOM-lecture was held as part of the All-Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical advanced training in economics. Martyniuk Olena Anatoliivna, Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Scientist, Regional Representative of NGO DK Partner, Ambassador of the League of Financial Literacy Ambassadors of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, Coach-Volunteer of the National Project of the Financial Literacy of Ukraine, was the lecturer.
The scientist is interested in studying financial literacy. She also makes energetic efforts to deal with financial awareness through conducting training and different educational activities (online, play, lectures, etc.) for various types of audiences. Olena Anatoliivna is an ambassador of the League of Financial Literacy Ambassadors, which was established by the Fund uniting specialists to carry out financial literacy projects initiated by the Fund, improve professional communication, share experience, and obtain methodological support from colleagues.
The lecture’s topic was “The use of innovative technology in enterprise activities in the dynamic business environment”. The lecturer presented detailed information about the structural relations between the development of socio-economic theories and management. Particular attention was paid to the aspects of creating a new management paradigm and development stages of scientific concepts of management. The speaker considered criteria of shaping a business environment based on objective diversity of its properties rendering different aspects of “business environment”. The characteristics of the levels of technology management maturity of enterprises were thoroughly analyzed by relying on the generalization of Wipro, Harman Communicate, Hewlett Packard, CMMI, PMMM, Organizational Project Management Maturity Model, and Portfolio, Program, and Project Management Maturity Model. The lecturer substantially processed and explained the synthetical model transforming traditional management technologies into innovative alternatives.
The lecture was solid and well-structured. The participants gained valuable and, most significantly, up-to-date information about the use of innovative technologies in enterprise activity in the digitalization context.
As a reminder, the second lecture of the all-Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical advanced training in economics will be held on December 24, 15.00.
See you next time in ZOOM!