The Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation continues a fruitful cooperation with foreign...

The Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation continues a fruitful cooperation with foreign scientific institutions


On April 13-17, 2018, the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation together with the Fund “Institute for Public Administration Affairs” in Lublin (Poland) carried out a number of scientific events.

The Foundation’s main tasks are carrying out research works aimed at their implementation and practical application, as well as initiating, promoting and implementing all initiatives on public administration. The Foundation’s main objectives are realized through dissemination of research results, preparation of assessments on the current state and prospects of public administration development, information activities on public administration, etc.

In view of the common ideas, goals and activities in this direction, the Fund  “Institute for Public Administration Affairs” in Lublin together with the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation performed a top-notch scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic “Innovative Methods of Organization of Educational Process in the Field of Public Administration”, the international scientific and practical conference “Modern Jurisprudence of the European Union: the Interaction of Law, Rulemaking and Practice”, as well as carried out the issue of a collective monograph entitled “The Procedure of Public Administration in the European Union: Challenges of the III Millennium”.

Academic and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions, research officers of scientific institutions, doctoral candidates, post-graduate students, applicants, and students who have or are obtaining education in the field of public administration, as well as practical workers who are actively engaged in scientific research in the field juridical sciences were invited to participate in mentioned events.

All participants of the internship and conference were provided with a collection of abstracts and a certificate of participation. The authors of the collective monograph received 3 copies of the edition issued by the European publishing house “Izdevnieciba Baltija Publishing”, and certificates of participation in the writing of joint scientific paper.
