The sixth online lecture under the framework of the scientific and pedagogical...

The sixth online lecture under the framework of the scientific and pedagogical internship on culture studies, art history and music studies has been successfully implemented


Ukrainian Soviet writer, film director, script writer, artist, Dovzhenko Oleksandr Petrovych said nice words: Ukrainian song is a depthless soul of the Ukrainian people, its glory! And that is true! It reflects the essence of our Ukrainian nation!

On November 27, 2020, the sixth online lecture “Musical Ukrainian studies: historical, theoretical and educational-pedagogical measurements” has been successfully realized via ZOOM under the framework of the scientific and pedagogical internship on culture studies, art history and music studies.

Do you know what preconditions contributed to the origin of Ukrainian melodiousness? What genres predominate in a particular epoch? When did professional musical culture emerge in Ukraine? What are features of Ukrainian melody? Did Ukrainian musical interest groups exist? Who are the famous representatives of Ukrainian musical art? Are there any rules for creating or performing a music piece? Our incredible speaker Drach Iryna Stepanivna, Doctor of Art History, Professor at Kharkiv National I.P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, author of more than 100 publications, has answered the above and many other questions! Drach Iryna Stepanivna has been extremely enthusiastic when covering the issue of Music Ukrainian Studies and your comments confirm that fact:

Mykhailo Vikhliaiev: Mrs Iryno, we appreciate your support of the event!

Gabriella Astalosh: I sincerely thank you for the lecture!!!

Vira Artemieva: Iryno Stepanivno, many thanks for such an interesting and insightful lecture which updated the semantics of basic dimensions of Music Ukrainian Studies!

Natalia Selezneva: I’m grateful to you for an interesting lecture!

Olga Chebotarenko: Thank you, it was very gripping!

Incognito: Sincere gratitude for such a fundamental view on history of Music Ukrainian Studies – there was much new and noteworthy information.

Olha Lihus: Dear Iryno Stepanivno, thank you for an innovative approach to the interpretation of multi-faceted concepts! I share the questions and comments expressed by admired Oleksandra Ivanivna. The scientific discussion was at top level!

Aleksandra Sapsovych: Many thanks for the lecture!

The lecture is available on our official YouTube channel.

We express gratitude to all participants who joined the event!
