We congratulate Tylchyk Viacheslav Viacheslavovych on awarding a scientific degree of Doctor...

We congratulate Tylchyk Viacheslav Viacheslavovych on awarding a scientific degree of Doctor of Law and promotion

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 26.11.2020 № 1471 “On Approval of the Decisions of the Assessment Council of the Ministry”, Tylchyk Viacheslav Viacheslavovych, Head of Kyiv Branch Office of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, was awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Law (specialty 12.00.07 administrative law and process; finance law; information law).
Moreover, Tylchyk Viacheslav Viacheslavovych got promotion! We wholeheartedly congratulate you on a new post –Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Process and Customs Security of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, and awarding a scientific degree of Doctor of Law!
The team of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation wishes Tylchyk Viacheslav Viacheslavovych a lot of new achievements, endurance, support of family and colleagues! May your work gives only pleasure, not trouble. 