Academia Polonica / Scientific Journal of Polonia University

Academia Polonica / Scientific Journal of Polonia University

Dear authors!
We kindly invite you to publish your articles
in the foreign scientific journal

Academia Polonica is the scientific journal of Polonia University which unites the scientists from different continents whose scientific papers deal with the problems in humanities, education/pedagogy, journalism, social and behavioral sciences, law, public management and administration, international relations, health care sciences and transport.

The Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of Poland assigns points to the journal.

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The journal is included into the following scientometric databases: DOAJPolish scientific and professional electronic journals; General Impact Factor; Punktacjaczasopism; UlrichsWeb; CiteFactor; DRJI; Nukat; Sindexs; ROAD; Index Copernicus; Crossref; WorldCat; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig; TIB; ESJI; PBN; Scilit; TIB; JIFactor.

Every published manuscript is awarded DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Language: English, French, German, Italian and other EU languages.
ISSN (Print): 2957-1898, ISSN (Online): 2957-2096

The manuscripts of Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, young scientists (PhD students, external PhD students) as well as practitioners are accepted for publishing.

A scientific article published in “Academia Polonica” shall be considered as the publication in the scientific periodical of the state which is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and European Union according to p. 2.2. of the Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On Publication of the Results of Dissertation for Scientific Degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences” as of 23.09.2019 № 1220 (for a degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences).

To publish the article in the journal Academia Polonica Volume 69 No. 2, 2025, you should to send the following materials to before April 30, 2025:

  • the article meeting the requirements specified by the editorial staff. Authors whose articles don’t comply with the requirements are rejected to be published;
  • to indicate information about the author at the link;
  • payment confirmation.

* The author receives payment details after a successful peer-review. The author is informed about the peer-review results during 3-4 days from the date of materials receipt.

  • LANGUAGE, CULTURE, COMMUNICATION (Linguistics and Language, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Communication, Education)
  • INNOVATION, WORK, SOCIETY (Sociology and Political Science, Public Administration, Social Work, Law, International Relations, Safety Research)
  • HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, DEVELOPMENT (Health, Life-span and Life-course Studies, Planning and Development)
  • TECHNOLOGY, CREATIVITY, IMPLEMENTATION (Human Factors and Ergonomics, Transportation, Urban Studies)


When the author submits the article to the journal Academia Polonica, it is subjected to the internal anonymous peer-review. One of the editorial board members, who is a renowned expert in the relevant field, carries out the peer-review. Impartial peer-reviewers thoroughly evaluate the article’s quality, including with the use of individual criteria. The peer-reviewers check the manuscripts for substantiation of the research methodology and procedures. If a peer-reviewer has some comments on the article, it can be sent back to the author for improving.

The authors are liable for the content of manuscripts, reliability of data, facts, quotations, level of independence of findings.


The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company


The publication fee is 1100 UAH. For members of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation, the publication fee is 900 UAH (you can find information on how to become a member of CUESC at the link). The publication fee covers expenses associated with reviewing, article proofreading and editing, journal mocking-up and publication of its electronic version. 

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.

The electronic version of the journal will be available on the official web-site on June 30, 2025.

Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before July 30, 2025.


– author can’t edit the manuscript once it is submitted, thus we encourage you to send the final version of the paper;
– the editorial staff does not return the submitted materials and reserves the right to make formal changes and add the necessary abbreviations;
– the article should present the author’s considerations regarding a particular topic;
– the article should include ideas which are characterized by a high level of generalization and scientific novelty;
– papers: 15.000–40.000 characters with spaces (also including abstracts, references, bibliography, tables, diagrams, and footnotes);
– language: English, French, German, Italian and other EU languages.


It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.


File format: *.doc; *.docx. Papers: 15.000–40.000 characters with spaces.

Fields – 2 cm (bottom) x 2 cm (top), 3 cm (left) x 1,5 cm (right); indention – 1,25 cm; line spacing – 1,5 cm; font – Times New Roman; size – 14.

If the article has tables and (or) graphics, they should be compact, entitled: Times New Roman, 12 ps. The size of the tables and graphics shouldn’t exceed a page width.


At the front of the article, you should indicate:

surname, name of author (-s) of the article (no more than two persons);
job position, place of employment/study, academic degree, rank (if any), e-mail;
ORCID ID. If an author is not logged in ORCID, it is necessary to create an account at the link;
summary and key words. Summary volume: minimum 150 words, maximum 250 words. After the summary it is necessary to add 5-10 key words or phrases, none of which duplicates the title of the article.

Text of the article:

Introduction is an obligatory part of the research, where the author indicates topicality of the subject and actuality of scientific decisions. Goal of research should be clearly indicated along with the research tasks. It is necessary to specify the methodology of research, the logic of presentation of the investigated material.

The main text should be divided into content-rich sections with separate headings (up to
4-6 words).

The article should contain conclusions from the study, which present detailed findings from the study and the prospects for further research in this direction.

References. The references should be placed at the end of the paper in alphabetic order. It is composed according to standards APA (APA Style Reference Citations). There is an author (transliteration), title of the article (in square brackets, English translation), source name (transliteration), source data (city with the English mark), publishing house (transliteration). For example:

Dikhtiievskyi, P. V., Lahniuk, O. M. (2015). Kadrove zabezpechennia sudiv zahalnoi yurysdyktsii: administratyvno-pravovyi aspekt [Staff assistance of of courts of general jurisdiction: administrative and legal aspect]. Kherson: Helevetyka. [in Ukrainian]

Transliteration of names and surnames is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Normalization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of the Latin Alphabet” dated January 27, 2010, No. 55.




 Liudmyla Korotkova
Assistant Professor, PhD, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

The  aim  of  this  paper  is  to  prove  the  hypothesis:  montage  is  the  universal creative  device  which  is  present  in  nature,  culture  and  art.  The  evolution  of  this  device  is considered  in  cinematography,  methods  of  using  montage  in  various  kinds  of art  are generalized.  Methods  used  in  the  study:  general  scientific  (analysis  and  synthesis,  induction and deduction), methods of theoretical research (from abstract to concrete), historical method. As  a  purely  technical  method,  montage  is  used  everywhere, starting  with  the  unforgettable past. 
(обсяг анотації: мінімум – 150 слів, максимум – 250 слів)
Keywordsknowledge, information, system, information economy, management. о анотації обов’язково додають 5–8 ключових слів чи словосполучень, жодне з яких не дублює назву статті)

1. Introduction
2. Montage in cinematography

It presupposes the conceptual comprehension of the process of establishment of an informative and technological method of production and related to it forming of an information paradigm in a modern economic science. The evolutionary process of the establishment of information society is represented in researches of P. Drucker, who used a notion “information revolutions” (Drucker, 1989: 23). He worked out the theory of the stages of development, which allows deeper understanding of the logic of establishment of information economy.

3. The Revolution in the development of information technologies
4. The process of globalization
5. Conclusions

Drucker, P. F. (1989). The new realities: In government and politics, in economics and business, in society and world view. New York: Harper & Row.


Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation

Coordinator of foreign scientific journal:
Liashchova Anastasiia Oleksandrivna
Contact number: +38 (095) 653 40 42
Official web-site:

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