More than 150 medical-scientists took part in the International Scientific and Practical...

More than 150 medical-scientists took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Medical Sciences


On October 20-21, 2017, the international scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the modern medicine: experience of Poland and Ukraine” was conducted by Lublin Science and Technology Park together with Medical University of Lublin, with support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Cooperation.

Scientists, postgraduates, students of HEI and research institutions, and practitioners, who are actively involved in scientific research in the field of medical sciences, were invited to participate in the conference. Within the conference, activity of the following sections was conducted:

  1. Clinical Medicine: Experience and Innovation;
  2. Theoretical Medicine: the Main Directions of Development;
  3. Pharmaceutical Sciences;
  4. Medical and Biological Sciences: Innovations of the Future;
  5. Preventive Medicine: Current State and Prospects;
  6. Veterinary Medicine.

According to the mentioned sections, the participants of the conference prepared the abstracts of reports, which presented the results of research on topical issues of the modern medicine. For example, Bocharova V.V., Hladchuk V.Ye., and Kuts L.V. prepared the abstracts on the topic “Structural and functional substantiation of peptides modulatory therapy of acne disease”, Horsha O.V. and Korolenko N.V. considered the influence of kinesiological taping procedure on hemodynamics of vertebrobasilar system in children with cervicogenic headache”, Romanova Yu.H. presented the results of research on the use of the elements of distance learning in postgraduate vocational education of dentists, etc.

All Ukrainian participants of the conference were provided with the collection of abstracts and the certificate of participation, authenticated with the seal. Participants had the opportunity to represent the collection of materials and the certificate, conforming participation in the international conference that held in the European Union country. The collection of abstracts was awarded with ISBN (International Standardized Book Number) by European publishing house.
