Scientific and pedagogical internship for scientists and workers of medical sphere held...

Scientific and pedagogical internship for scientists and workers of medical sphere held on the basis of the Lublin Science and Technology Park


On August 14-20, 2017, the international scientific and pedagogical internship “Innovative educational technologies: experience of Poland and its implementation in the process of medical workers training”. The organizer of the event was Lublin Science and Technology Park (LSTP). The Center for Ukrainian and European Cooperation provided a comprehensive assistance in realization of the internship.

LSTP was founded in 2005 to facilitate the process of sharing knowledge and technology between business people and scientists. Under the framework of the undertaken activities, LSTP promotes the innovative culture, unites a scientific community, and establishes cooperation between scientific departments, universities and research institutes of Poland as well as other European countries.

Scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions, scientific staff of scientific institutions, applicants, postgraduates, and students who have or obtain medical education were invited to participate in the conference. 52 scientists of medical science showed the interest to participate in scientific and pedagogical internship, which was organized by Lublin Science and Technology Park. The chairman of the organizational committee of the internship was Arkadiush Malek, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Development Department of Lublin Science and Technology Park.

The training load of the internship consisted of three credits (108 hours) and was distributed as follows:

  • familiarization with LSTP activities through the official information portal of the university – 12 hours;
  • preparation of the abstracts of the scientific and methodical report on the chosen issue (on the field of the applicant’s work in the educational or scientific institution of Ukraine) – 36 hours;
  • individual work – 60 hours.

The participants of the internship had to prepare abstracts of scientific and methodological reports on one of the topics, proposed by the organizational committee. The subject matters of abstracts were as the following:

  • a system of higher medical education and qualification levels of the European educational space;
  • a comparative analysis of Polish and Ukrainian higher medical education;
  • formation of a modern global worldview of a medical worker;
  • implementation of practical and efficient renewal of medical education and professional training of medical workers, on the basis of a complex study of the problem, system approach, implementation of achievements of medical science and European experience;
  • directions of development of medical education in Ukraine at the stage of its integration in the European educational space;
  • identification of the essence, factors of genesis, regularities of structuring, functioning and organization of vocational training of medical workers in the countries of the European Union;
  • the peculiarities of the organization of vocational training of medical workers in Poland, in the context of general tendencies of its development in the EU countries;
  • development of recommendations on the perspective ways of usage of the EU experience in medical education in Ukraine.

The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation took care that all participants received the collection of abstracts of scientific and methodological internship and the certificate of participation in scientific and pedagogical internship abroad. The received certificate of participation in scientific and pedagogical internship is a document, confirming the international experience in scientific institution of the country, which is part of the European Union, and document of applicant for Associate Professor, Professor , and Senior Researcher Degree, in accordance with p. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 ““On Order of the Procedure for Awarding of Scientific Degrees to Scientific and Academic Staff”: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 14, 2016, No. 13, it is also taken into account during the licensing and accreditation of educational services.
