The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation joined the International Cooperation...

The Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation joined the International Cooperation Programme of the European Union Erasmus+


In January 2020 the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation became a partner of the International Cooperation Programme of the European Union ERASMUS+, which supports the projects, partnerships, events and mobility in the area of education, professional training, youth policy and sports (2014 – 2020).

In the framework of the implementation of the mobility programme in the area of education, the Center developed a plan of measures on the cooperation with the leading European education institutions. Thus, it was primarily achieved an agreement with the higher education institutions of Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Soon HEIs of Czech, Austrian and Croatia are going to be engaged in ERASMUS+.   

Within the programme ERASMUS+, the Center’s main attention in the higher education sector is focused on the following directions of the international dimension:

  1. academic mobility of HEI staff and students exchange (projects of the international credit mobility) based on the inter-institutional agreements;
  2. implementation of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees: participation in the implementation of joint master programmes and reception of individual Master degree scholarships and teaching grants;
  3. capacity building in higher education – higher education reform (ex-Tempus): cooperation projects for exchange of best practices between HEIs of Europe, Ukraine and other countries-partners, the building of human, infrastructural and other resources;
  4. development of youth potential – the building of the capacity of civil society for the development of non-formal education, youth business, internationalization;
  5. participation in the strategic partnerships for the development and introduction of innovations in the area of education and youth.