The first week of online lectures under the framework of the scientific...

The first week of online lectures under the framework of the scientific and pedagogical internship on culture studies, art history and musicology finished


A set of lectures, which take place in terms of the scientific and pedagogical internship, continues.

Today, on November 13, 2020, the second as much as interesting ZOOM lecture«Musicology in the multidisciplinary environment of the contemporary humanitarian science and education» has been conducted. Incredible Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, has been a contributor today.

The speaker has lifted the veil of the science of music studies. She has provided well-argued explanations why musicology is one of the key branches of history of art. During her performance, Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna has enlarged upon a status of musicology in the multidisciplinary environment of modern humanities and education.

Over the next week, we are going to talk about history of arts. We pledge our honor that eloquent speakers will manage to capture your attention because they have a lot of interesting stuff to share with you. We are also pleased to show your comments which make us happy and motivate to develop other no less gripping projects:

Aleksandra Sapsovich: Aleksandra Ivanovna! Thank you very much for such a deep and interesting lecture! 

Olga Chebotarenko: Many thanks, it was gripping and profound!  

Alla Chernoivanenko:  It has been informative (I have scarcely managed to take notes), relevant, important, interesting, vividly, innovative and brightly!

Valeriya Marik:  Thank you so much for the exciting lecture!

Lyudmila Povzun: Many thanks for that sort of information – it makes me to be deep in thought and listen to the lecture once again.

Aleksandr Burel: Thank you! It is awesome! A lot to think about!

Mariya Borisenko:  Dear Oleksandro Ivanivno! Thank you so much!

Orest Krechkovskyi: Oleksandro Ivanivno, many thanks for the lecture and inspiration to re-analyze and experience!!!!

Artemieva Vira: Dear Oleksandro Ivanivno, thank you for a relevant and meaningful lecture!

Yuliya Aleksandrovna Gribinenko: Thank you for a wonderful report! This is an outstanding experience of communication!

We thank sincerely all participants who have joined the event!
