To heighten interest of participants in active scientific activity and contribute to the development of academic networking between education institutions and scientific establishment, on November 27 – 28, 2020, the University of Life Sciences in Lublin under the support of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation conducted the international scientific-practical conference “The European potential for development of natural science” for academic staff, scientists, practicing specialists, postgraduate students, students who are actively involved in the scientific research in natural sciences.
About 80 scientists participated in the conference, they are as follows:
- Belov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych – PhD in Medicine, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya;
- Doiko Nataliia Mykhailivna – PhD in Biology, Senior Research Scientist, Head of the Department of Dendroflora Enrichment, State arboretum “Olexandria” of the NAS of Ukraine;
Ishchenko Liudmyla Oleksandrivna – PhD in Biology, Head of the Laboratory of Occupational Physiology, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Medicine;
- Kolesnyk Denys Leonidovych – PhD in Biology, Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Metastasis of R. Ie. Kavetskyi Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the NAS of Ukraine;
- Kosakivska Iryna Vasylivna – Doctor of Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Phytohormonology of M. H. Kholodnyi Institute of the NAS of Ukraine;
- Lebedynets Viacheslav Oleksandrovych – Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Professor at the Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy;
- Lietytska Olena Mykolaivna – PhD in Biology, Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of River Systems of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the NAS of Ukraine;
- Liubynskyi Oleksandr Ivanovych – Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University;
- Marchenko Iryna Oleksandrivna – PhD in Biology, Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, R. Ie. Kavetskyi Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the NAS of Ukraine;
- Melnyk Vira Yosypivna – PhD in Geography, Professor, Professor at the Department of Natural Sciences with Teaching Methods, Rivne State University of Humanities;
- Novytskyi Vasyl Petrovych – PhD in Agriculture, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forestry, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;
- Piasetska Svitlana Ivanivna – PhD in Geography, Senior Research Scientist of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute of the SES of Ukraine and NAS of Ukraine;
- Fesych Ihor Volodymyrovych – PhD in Chemistry, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technology of Fats, Chemical Technologies of Nutritional Supplements and Cosmetics of the National University of Food Technologies, et al.
A collection of abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference was published based on the conference outcome; it is available at the link.
Many thanks to all who joined the event!