The last online lecture has been held under the framework of the advanced training for musicologists
The All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical advanced training in art history, musicology, music pedagogy “Music in the system of art education: relations and counteractions”, which took place from March 15 to April 23, 2021, is over.
It was organized by:
Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music
NGO «Community «Musicology of Ukraine in the World Culture»
Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation
The Organizing Committee consisted of the following musicology experts:
Oliinyk Oleksandr Leonidovych, PhD in Arts, Professor, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Rector of Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music;
Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music; Head of NGO «Community «Musicology of Ukraine in the World Culture»;
Ohanezova-Hryhorenko Olha Vadymivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor at the Department of Solo Singing, Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Honored Artist of Ukraine;
Osadcha Svitlana Viktorivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Music and Musical Ethnography of Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music;
Chernoivanenko Alla Dmytrivna, PhD in Arts, Professor, Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music;
Maidenberh-Todorova Kira Isaakivna, PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Member of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine, Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music; composer.
During the last three weeks, the participants of the advanced training attended the lectures of the top experts in musicology and music pedagogy, music performance. It was a productive time, and we received many positive feedbacks from the participants. We sincerely thank everyone who joined the event.
On April 22, the finishing online lecture and a roundtable, which has summed up all April meetings, have been held. Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music; Head of NGO «Community «Musicology of Ukraine in the World Culture», has been a speaker at both events.
Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna is in the photo
The research interests of the speaker are musicology, analytical study of the monographs on musicology, methodology, culture studies and psychology of music art. The interest in the psychological aspects of art is shown in her PhD thesis “Catharsis as an aesthetic problem”. The doctoral dissertation “Dialogue as a musical-cultural phenomenon: methodological aspects of the modern musicology” respectively was devoted to methodology. Oleksandra Ivanivna is also an author of special study courses “Music culture studies”, “Psychology of art”, “Psychology of culture”, “Musical interpretation” and “Music aesthetics”.
The topic of today’s online lecture is “Music in the reality of a modern man: from life facts to psychological artifacts”. The tasks of the online meeting are to clarify the role of music in real-world and artificial circumstances, which are triggered by the influence of psychological methods. It is common knowledge that music both relaxes and cheers up – it can be used as a placebo. All it depends on rhythm and our individual perception of a particular music piece.
Summing up the course, we can state with confidence that throughout 6 weeks, all participants gained sound knowledge that can be applied in teaching or scientific activity. Thus, at the first lecture, Zharkova Valeriia Borysivna told us why the music of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel is topical, covered its specifics; at the second online meeting, Severynova Maryna Yuriivna highlighted the importance of semantics in music art; at the third lecture, Voskoboinikova Yuliia Vasylivna paid attention to the features of distance music education; at the fourth lecture, Olha Vadymivna Ohanezova-Hryhorenko delved into stage images in the art of signing; at the fifth lecture, Osadcha Svitlana Viktorivnatold about the need to teach Orthodox signing in music education institutions. At the last lecture, Samoilenko Oleksandra Ivanivna defined the role of music in the life of modern man.