The meeting of Director of the CUESC with First Vice-Rector of Donetsk...

The meeting of Director of the CUESC with First Vice-Rector of Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Today, December 23, 2020, Vikhliaiev Mykhailo Yuriiovych, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Director of the CUESC, has met with Nazymko Yehor Serhiiovych, Doctor of Law, Senior Research Associate, First Vice-Rector of Donetsk Law Institute of the MIA of Ukraine, in Zaporizhzhia Branch Office of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation.
The meeting participants have discussed prospects for cooperation in 2021 under the framework of joint scientific projects with the HEI and dates of opening Donetsk Branch Office of the Center for Ukrainian and European Scientific Cooperation.
 At the end of the meeting, Nazymko Yehor Serhiiovych has invited the Executive Board of the CUESC (Vikhliaiev Mykhailo Yuriiovych and Holovko Oleh Pavlovych, PhD in Economics, Head of the Supervisory Council of the Center) to visit a big celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Institute which will take place in March, 2021, in Mariupol.
We thank sincerely for the invitation and look forward to the next meeting! We also hope for a quick and high-quality implementation of our planned joint projects.